
Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you. Write us to our e-mail –

Internet shop operator is Klaudia Sumegová

Bitting Address:
Klaudia Sumegová
Štefanov 24
027 44 Tvrdošín
Slovak Republic

Business ID: 50982672
Tax ID: 1084773932
We are not paying for VAT

Tel: +421 918 216 273

Our bank: mBank S.A., Branch of a foreign bank
IBAN: SK09 8360 5207 0042 0618 6080
VS: your order numb

Supervisory Autority:
Inspectorate SOI for Žilinský kraj
Predmestská 71, P.O. Box B-89; 011 79 Žilina 1
Technical Product Control and Consumer Protection Division
Tel .: 041/7632 130
Fax: 041/7632 139

The business entity is registered in district office of Námestovo. Commercial registration number: 560-23159